
A Resource for Seventh-day Adventist Pioneer Writings

William Miller, James White, Joseph Bates, etc.



We are republishing
Seventh-day Adventist pioneer material
in response to the following counsel:

“Repeat the words of the pioneers in our work,
who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure,
and who labored to lay the foundation of our work.” (RH 5/25/05)

We invite you to browse our resources.

Don’t Miss the Following Important Notices.

Latest Updates

CD-ROM Can Be Downloaded!

As of August 2011, the EGW Estate has arranged for the entire
CD-ROM to be downloaded if you make a small donation. Check out the
second paragraph under our “Third Edition of Pioneer
Writings Online” on our CD-ROM page.

Online Resources

Pioneer Writings Online

The Words of the Adventist Pioneers collection is now available
for viewing and searching online at www.EGWWritings.org.
Go to our CD-ROM page for more information.

Free Audio Books, e-Books

The writings of the pioneers are being narrated into digital audio files
and converted to digital e-books that you can download free of charge.
Visit EllenWhiteAudio.org and AdventAudio.org to check what is available.
The following languages are currently available in various Ellen White titles:
English, Portuguese, Spanish, Serbian, Russian,
Hebrew, French, Chinese, Romanian.

Lest We Forget Periodical

The Lest We Forget periodical is available as free PDF download! We have scanned
our back issues have uploaded them all to links on our Periodical page.
Publication of our periodical has been suspended since Volume 12 due to
our CD-ROM project and staffing issues. We still have plans to reactivate it.

2nd Edition Recent Authors

You may now download the old collection of recent authors that was on our
Second Edition CD-ROM. This included works by Leon Cobb, Leslie Hardinge,
Carsten Johnsen, David Lin, John Peters, and Virginia Steinweg. Visit our
Second Edition CD-ROM page to see instructions (at the bottom) on accessing this collection.

2nd Ed. Support

We have posted an instruction sheet
on using Microsoft Word to strip out the hidden codes
at the beginning of each paragraph that are included
in anything you copy out of the 2nd Edition CD-ROM.

User Comments

Check out a collection of comments by users of our resources.

Other Resources

CD-ROM Collection

The Words of the Adventist Pioneers 2008 collection (APL’s 3rd Edition)
has been released as part of the Ellen G. White Writings Comprehensive
Research Edition 2008
 CD-ROM. The disk is in the ABCs (check your local one
for availability), in the ABC Online store, and at Light Bearers Resource Center.
APL has some in stock, mainly for selling at our exhibits.
See our CD-ROM page for the latest details.
You can also check out the new titles as well as the complete list of titles for the APL
collection on the CD-ROM.

Planned Exhibits

Visit our News page for our planned, upcoming exhibits.

Contacting Us

IMPORTANT! New Post Office Box

Due to Post Office changes beyond our control, our easy-to-remember PO Box number of
1844 has been changed to 844. If you are mailing to us by regular postal mail, please take
note of this. Change our entry in your address books also!

Toll-Free Phone Number for USA

Adventist Pioneer Library has a toll-free number for USA callers!
Call 888-900-6406 in the USA to leave a toll-free voice mail message for us. Be sure to
let us know the best time to call you back, and give us more than one option.
Please note that you can also fax to this number.

Pioneer Research

We cannot do historical research for you!
Buy our CD-ROM or e-mail the Heritage Room
at Del Webb Library of Loma Linda University for assistance.

To Purchase Items

All sales are explained on our Feedback page.
The items we offer, the CD-ROM, the book, and the periodical,
are handled by different venders.

Related Links

For Ellen G. White’s writings, go to the Ellen G. White Estate.For downloadable digital audio files of the Ellen White and pioneer writings,
visit EllenWhiteAudio.org and AdventAudio.org.For access to thousands of SDA historical documents online, go to the
Online Document Archives” of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.For access to other SDA historical documents online, go to the
Adventist Digital Library of the Loma Linda University Heritage Room.For Adventist pioneer historical buildings, locations, and other
resources, go to the Adventist Heritage Ministry.For help in researching Adventist history, e-mail the Heritage Room
at Del Webb Library of Loma Linda University.


Site Contents


Calls to Republish the Pioneers
Why the Adventist Pioneer Library, aka APL, exists


A Gallery of Pioneer Pictures
Browse the pioneers’ pictures and biographical sketches


A Chronology of APL
How the work of APL has developed since 1988


Words of the Adventist Pioneers 2008
A virtual library of over 60,000 pages of early Adventist writings


The Great Second Advent Movement
Eyewitness history of the SDA Church’s beginning


Lest We Forget
A publication highlighting the SDA pioneers


Recommendations and Endorsements
How others see value in the pioneer resources we offer


Latest News about APL
APL’s current activities, presentations, and materials


Give Us your Feedback
If you have questions, comments, orders or requests

“Again and again I have been shown that the past experiences of God’s people are not to be counted as dead facts. We are not to treat the record of these experiences as we would treat a last year’s almanac. The record is to be kept in mind, for history will repeat itself.”

Ellen White, Letter 238, 1903 (PM175)